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Acoustic Guitar
Acoustic Guitar

Magazine Description Acoustic Guitar is the magazine for all acoustic guitar players, from beginners to performing professionals. Through interviews, reviews, workshops, sheet music, and song transcriptions, the monthly's readers learn music from around the globe and get to know the artists who create it. With product reviews and expert advice, Acoustic Guitar also helps its readers become smarter buyers and owners of acoustic guitars and guitar gear. At least 10% of your subscription price goes to the Children of Michael Hedges Fund.

Guitar Magazine
Guitar Magazine

Magazine Description Guitar Magazine is an engaging, hands-on guide for guitarists eager to learn about their instruments and the guitarists they admire. The world's greatest guitarists, bands, and music educators offer readers exclusive interviews, feature lessons, tips, and insights. Each month the magazine examines a variety of musical styles, including rock, alternative, blues, fusion, country, and acoustic music. Each month Guitar magazine provides note-perfect transcriptions of the hottest contemporary and classic guitar-based songs. At least 10% of your subscription price goes to the Children of Michael Hedges Fund.

Dr. Andrew Weil's Self Healing Newsletter
Dr. Andrew Weil's Self Healing Newsletter

Magazine Description Dr. Andrew Weil's Self Healing Newsletter is published by the renowned Harvard-educated physician and New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Andrew Weil. Dr. Weil's unique knowledge of alternative medicine gives readers the best and most up-to-date information about natural health and healing every month and will expand your knowledge while providing you with the tools to improve your health. At least 10% of your subscription price goes to the Children of Michael Hedges Fund.


Magazine Description JAZZIZ is a monthly magazine that highlights the world of jazz music and culture. Each issue comes with a full-length, limited edition CD featuring the best new, classic, and exclusive jazz music. Past JAZZIZ On Disc artists have included Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, David Sanborn, Duke Ellington, and more. Each issue is full of in-depth profiles of performers, historical pieces on music and trends, as well as music reviews, a festival guide, and a preview of events around the country. At least 10% of your subscription price goes to the Children of Michael Hedges Fund.

New Age, the Journal for Holistic Living
New Age, the Journal for Holistic Living

Magazine Description New Age, the Journal for Holistic Living is one of America's most respected magazines covering holistic living. Each issue includes an exciting and thoughtful mix of features, columns, and departments that help readers explore new discoveries in natural health and wellness, personal growth, the environment, spirituality, and social change. At least 10% of your subscription price goes to the Children of Michael Hedges Fund.

Organic Gardening
Organic Gardening

Magazine Description Organic Gardening is one of America's most popular gardening magazines, providing hands-on expert advice for making your yard and garden the most beautiful and productive they can be — all without the use of pesticides or other chemicals. Each monthly issue includes articles on topics like designing flowerbeds and vegetable gardens and making your lawn thrive. Whether natural gardening is your hobby or your livelihood, Organic Gardening is an essential guide. At least 10% of your subscription price goes to the Children of Michael Hedges Fund.

Utne Reader
Utne Reader

Magazine Description The Utne Reader, a guide for balanced living, includes original essays and the best articles from more than 2,000 alternative media sources. The magazine provides new perspectives on social change, environment, gender, community, society, creativity, and humor. At least 10% of your subscription price goes to the Children of Michael Hedges Fund.

Vegetarian Times
Vegetarian Times

Magazine Description From snacks to full course meals, Vegetarian Times offers healthier new recipes for classic food dishes. In every issue, you'll find seasonal menus, health news, advisories, reports, and research findings, as well as guidance on diet, exercise, and nutrition. Plus, the latest new products, equipment, and food. At least 10% of your subscription price goes to the Children of Michael Hedges Fund.

Yoga Journal
Yoga Journal

Magazine Description Yoga Journal is dedicated to the qualities that yoga exemplifies including peace, integrity, clarity, and compassion. It focuses on body/mind approaches to spiritual development including health, yoga, holistic healing, transpersonal psychology, bodywork and massage, meditation, Eastern spirituality, and western mysticism — and on the people who epitomize these practices. At least 10% of your subscription price goes to the Children of Michael Hedges Fund.

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